In 2017, the cinema camera making company RED announced it was working a smartphone with a "holographic screen." Consumers were unsure what this meant until September 2017. Essentially, the phone would provide a 3D viewing experience on screen, projecting things like buildings and landscapes in an interactive map. A user could essentially take a virtual tour via the phone screen, looking around, above, behind, or in-between various objects. 
The RED smart phone is currently available for pre-order, for the fairly hefty price tag of $1,195. No official release date has been announced, but the company says users can expect to see the product sometime in 2018. 


Smart Glasses Are Now Sleek, S... is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list The Coolest New Tech In 2018

Smart glasses are far from a new invention. The glasses, which project information onto your retina as you go about your day, once came with clunky equipment attached. Cameras, extra appendages, and microphones made the glasses a bit of an eyesore that easily led to unwanted attention directed at their wearers. Intel's new Vaunt glasses, however, offer a streamline design that's vastly more user friendly. The glasses look exactly like regular eyeglasses and are available in various prescription lenses. This means users can enjoy the benefits of the glasses throughout the day without attracting unwanted stares or having to deal with uncomfortable equipment. 
